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Nine Elms communities come together as US Embassy volunteers clean up


Published on
September 17, 2018


Residents in Nine Elms threw open the doors to welcome their neighbours from the United States Embassy as officials volunteered in the community to mark the 2018 Day of Service.

The event was part of the American tradition of service to the local community in remembrance of the victims of 9/11.The National Day of Service and Remembrance promotes community service as an annual tribute to the 9/11 victims and survivors with a spirit of unity, solidarity and service to others.
Ambassador Robert Wood Johnson joined Wandsworth Council Leader Cllr Ravi Govindia and teams of volunteers at the Rose Community Centre on Ascalon Street as they prepared to fan out across the borough.
Councillor Govindia welcomed the US Embassy, Northern Line Extension and Battersea Power Station volunteers who helped with gardening, litter-picking, sports taster sessions and free health checks with the Embassy’s nurses. He said:
“It was a great pleasure to welcome again the US Ambassador and his army of volunteers from the Embassy here in Battersea.
“All pitching in to improve our local area brings everyone together with such a sense of friendship and really helps all our Nine Elms neighbours get to know one another.
“I hope we hold onto the community spirit fostered today as we welcome new people to the area and show them what a great place it is.”
Ambassador Johnson said:
“This the second time I have been to the Rose Community Centre. The Embassy is committed to on-going engagement with the local community. Today, we have been tidying up and picking up rubbish and planting flowers – and most importantly, meeting new people here in this community. It’s great to be here a year later and see not only the flowers that have grown in that time – but the relationships that have grown as well.
“For Americans the 9/11 Day of Service is special. I think it says a lot about the American spirit. When people try to divide us or bring us down, we rise stronger and more unified than ever.”
Harry Goonewardene, of the Savona Estate Residents’ Association said:
“This is a great day for us to see the community all coming together to make the day a success.”

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