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Battersea Power Station Finishes Painting Its Four Iconic Chimneys

Painted chimneys Anthony Coleman VIEW Photography

Published on
August 30, 2017


Battersea Power Station (BPS) have finished painting all four chimneys! (Earlier than expected, too.)

The four iconic structures got a base coat then a final coat of paint in the exact colour the originals were painted in to make sure they’re visually identical.

Since Battersea Power Station is Grade II* listed, the chimneys had to be painstakingly dismantled and rebuilt to their original glory after detailed surveys and close consultation and engagement with Historic England and the London Borough of Wandsworth.

The chimneys have been one of the key priorities for the Malaysian shareholders of the Battersea Power Station project given their historical and cultural significance.

Rob Tincknell, CEO of Battersea Power Station Development Company, commented:

“It is wonderful to see the chimneys, which have become a permanent fixture on the London skyline, freshly painted and the finishing touches applied. This is a great opportunity to thank the BPS team, the specialist contractor and everyone else who was involved in ensuring one of the most important parts of the redevelopment project was successfully completed.”

Cllr Ravi Govindia, leader of Wandsworth Council, said:

“An exciting new skyline is developing at Battersea but it is fantastic to see our old friends, the Power Station chimneys, restored to their former glory: a proud landmark for Wandsworth and for London.

“Rebuilding the chimneys as exact replicas was a key condition of the overall planning application so it’s great the pledge has already come good, ahead of schedule.”

Emily Gee, London Planning Director at Historic England, said:

“Historic England welcomes this final stage of the rebuilding of the chimneys, ensuring that the Power Station will retain its landmark status along this evolving part of London’s skyline.”

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